If you have more than one sources of income and you are not sure how to properly declare them without losing money on paying more tax than you should than you have come to the right place. HMRC requires everyone to submit tax returns every year therefore People who, for example, are employees, landlords and have income coming from shares holdings at the same time are at risk of footing excessive tax bill if:
- A) Their income is not declared in the way it should be declared
- B) Tax reduction schemes introduced by government are not taken into account or
- C) The allowable expenses are not deducted from taxable income before tax payable is calculated.
This usually happens due to lack of recognition of the fact that individuals also need accountants to oversee their tax matters in the same way as businesses do.
We can prepare your tax return and self-assessment with due care and professionalism and submit it to HMRC on your behalf. We provide our services and advice on capital gains tax, Inheritance tax, employment income, rental income, dividend income, interest on savings income and overseas income.
HMRC deadline to submit tax return is 31 January every year.
We can also prepare your sole-trader and partnership accounts along with submissions.
Price guide £150 a year for self-assessment Preferably Monthly via direct debit £12 per month